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Saturday 21st September 1pm - 6.30pm


Arrival & registration

Please arrive promptly!



Welcome circle



Freehand (1 hoop)

Duration: 1hr 45mins


When learning new skills, we tend to focus so much on the prop,  we end up forgetting about the other hand and what it is doing! In this workshop, hoopers will go through exercises that FREE up your flow by utilizing freehand and ambidextrous passes. 


3.15pm - 3:45pm

Break Time!



Tracer Theory (1 hoop)

Duration: 1hr 45mins


in this workshop, hoopers will be challenged to utilize the freehand material in the previous class to make a more dynamic range of movement and sequences.


5.30pm - 6.30pm

Time to Jam, then pack up and head off.




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